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Friday 9 March 2012

Meet Scamp


Scamp is the little tyke who can bring cheer to the most dismal of days by the slightest wag of his tail. He's a rescue dog and is 10 years old (his "birthday" (the day we brought him home from the RSPCA 5 years ago) was on Tuesday). Personally, I would have given him a more imaginative name but Scamp was the one he came with and it stuck. Usually he goes by "Scampi" though. His main pleasures in life are eating, chasing cats (he has a personal vendetta against the two that live next door who are constantly teasing him by sunbathing in the garden when he's not watching), and being scratched (he has quite severe allergies so if you scratch him he will love you forever!). Some of his more peculiar traits include barking at the postman whilst out on a walk (even if the poor man isn't going to our house), behaving in exactly the same manner towards  the window cleaners, crawling along the floor on his belly, and standing underneath the bird feeders in the garden so he can eat the seeds that they drop. He also likes running round and round in circles on the beach. All in all, he's a pretty cool dude.

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